Clovis Citywide Yard Sale
April 12 @ 6:30 am – 5:00 pm

It’s almost time for the annual Clovis Citywide Yard Sale organized by Republic Services! This year’s sale will be taking place the weekend of April 12 and 13, and residents have two ways to participate:
1) Sellers: Register your yard sale at ClovisYardSales.com and list the items you will be selling to help promote your sale!*
2) Buyers: Visit ClovisYardSales.com to browse sales throughout Clovis that you may want to stop by!
For questions, please contact Republic Services at (559) 275-1551 or send an email to info@clovisyardsales.com
*If you live in a multifamily residence or your neighborhood is governed by an HOA, please consult with your property manager or HOA prior to registering a sale.