Fresno Bonsai Society

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The purpose of the Fresno Bonsai Society is to expand the knowledge and skills of Bonsai within its members while offering opportunities for appreciation of this art form to the broader community. We do this through the inspiration of the beauty of the natural world and the rich cultural heritage of Bonsai.

We are excited to announce that our next meeting will be Saturday, January 11th where we will hear John Thompson discuss Collecting and Care of Native California Oaks. John is a marvelous, funny, and knowledgeable speaker on both his favorite species (native oaks) and on all aspects of bonsai and collecting. He is widely known as a bonsai teacher throughout the western United States. He is a long time member of the Midori Bonsai Club in San Jose, where he teaches classes and he writes a blog for their newsletter. He has over 150 collected bonsai. He has been a regular teacher at the GSBF Annual Conventions.

We are very fortunate to have John here again. He provided a wonderful presentation in 2016.

The meeting begins at 9 AM at the Clovis Senior Activities Center at 850 Fourth Street in Clovis. Visitors are always welcome.

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